Tutorial 1.1 Improved Eating Habits

Improving your eating habits can be achieved through a thoughtful approach that involves reflection, replacement, and reinforcement.

Here are some strategies to help you improve your eating habits:
  1. Reflect on Your Eating Habits: Keep a food diary for a few days, noting everything you eat and drink, including the time of day and your feelings when you decided to eat. This can help you identify your eating habits and triggers for unhealthy eating.
  2. Replace Unhealthy Eating Habits: Once you've identified unhealthy habits, try to replace them with healthier ones. For example, if you always have a sugary drink after work as a reward, consider replacing it with a healthier option like herbal tea or a fruit smoothie.
  3. Reinforce Your New Habits: Consistency is key when it comes to establishing new habits. Make sure to reinforce your new, healthier eating habits regularly.
  4. Portion Control: Eating from a smaller plate can make your portion look bigger, which can trick your brain into thinking you're eating more, making you less likely to overeat.
  5. Eat Your Greens First: Eating vegetables before a carb-rich meal has been shown to benefit blood sugar levels and may lead to eating fewer calories overall.
  6. Slow Down: The pace at which you eat influences how much you eat. Studies show that fast eaters are much more likely to eat more and have a higher body mass index (BMI) than slow eaters.
  7. Keep Dressing, Dips, and Condiments on the Side: This makes it easier to control the portion size and amount of calories you consume.
Remember, making major changes to your diet can sometimes seem very overwhelming. It may be more manageable to start with just one thing — like eating more of your favorite fruit — rather than all of them at once.


1.1. Fill in the blank: Try to replace ____________ eating habits with healthy eating habits.

1.2. Find the missing letters to help improve eating habits. Hint: 2 words (7,7).
[ _ o _ _ i o n    _ o n _ _ o _ ].

1.3. Table Setting Q&A. Where is the best place to keep sauces and condiments?

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