Answers Page

Course: Introduction to Food & Nutrition

Module 1.1 Improved Eating Habits. Answers to Quiz: 1.1 Unhealthy, 1.2 Portion Control, 1.3 On the Side.
Module 1.2 Mindful Eating. Answers to Quiz: 1.4 Mindful eating is a practice that involves being fully present and engaged during the act of eating, with an emphasis on conscious awareness and enjoyment of food, 1.5 Taste, Satisfaction, Fullness
Extended Exercise: Students to prepare a memo about mindful eating.
Module 1.3 Intuitive Eating. Answers to Quiz: 1.6 True, 1.7 Physical & Emotional, 1.8 Satisfaction

Module 2.1 Carbohydrate-Rich Foods. Answers to Quiz: 2.1 Energy, 2.2 Fruit Vegetables Grains Dairy, 2.3 To ensure a balanced intake of nutrients.
Extended Exercise: Students to prepare Discussion Notes about Carbohydrates and Dietary Management. 
Module 2.2 Simple and Complex Carbohydrates. Answers to Quiz: 2.4 Self-Reflection exercise about personal favorite fruits and vegetables. Marking of this assessment item is optional, if the learner wishes to submit their work for review and feedback, 2.5 Honey is a Simple Carbohydrate; Lentils are a Complex Carbohydrate, 2.6 Complex carbohydrates digest at a slower rate, and have a higher nutritional content compared to simple carbohydrates.
Extended Exercise: Students to prepare Design a Poster exploring Carbohydrates including simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates.
Module 2.3 The Glycemic Index. Answers to Quiz: 2.7 GI Index (GI) Measures how quickly a carbohydrate-containing food raises your blood sugar level, 2.8 56-69, 2.9 Lentils.
Extended Exercise: Variety, consumer a variety of foods to ensure you are getting all essential nutrients.
Module 2.4 Managing Portion Sizes. Answers to Quiz: 2.10 Measuring Equipment, 2.11 Eat Slowly, Plan Ahead, 2.12 Left Overs, Healthy Swaps, Cook at Home.

Tutorial 3: Understanding Fatty Foods
Module 3.1 Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) of Fatty Foods. Answers to Quiz: 3.1 Trans Fats, Saturated Fats, 3.2 Fats provide (a) energy; (b) help absorb vitamins; and (c) play a key role in building cell membranes and nerve sheaths, 3.3 Hydrogenation.
Extended Exercise: Consuming too much fat can lead to weight gain, obesity, and associated health problems such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers.
Answers to Quiz: 3.4 Fats are crucial nutrient in our diets, 3.5 Calories are the energy value of food per serving, 3.6 20%-35%, 10%.
Module 3.2 Reducing Fat in the Diet. Answers to Quiz: 3.7 Personal Preferences exercise about priorities for reducing fat in the diet, 3.8 No, beverages can also be a significant source of hidden fats and sugars, 3.9 Strength Training
Module 3.3 Healthy Fats. Answers to Quiz: 3.10 Unsaturated, 3.11 Olive Oil, Fatty Fish, Plant Oils, Whole Egg, 3.12 Seeds.
Extended Exercise: Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fats, which can raise levels of good cholesterol while lowering bad
Module 3.4 Animal vs Plant-based Fats. Answers to Quiz: 3.13 Consuming too much saturated fat, which is more prevalent in animal-based foods, can increase the risk of heart disease. One the other hand, plant-based fats are typically rich in vitamins, polyphenols and polyunsaturated fats, which are known to be heart-healthy, 3.14 Plant-based fats include avocados, nuts, needs and oils. Animal-based fats include meat, diary and eggs, 3.15 Moderation.
3.16 Salads, Sautee Vegetables, 3.17 Tofu, Edamame, 3.18 Eat more whole grains, starchy vegetables, and legumes. These foods not only provide healthy carbs but also contain beneficial fats.
Extended Exercise: Students to Design a Smoothie noting recipe and at least 3 product selling points. 
Module 3.5 Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Answers to Quiz: 3.19 Heart, Brains, Eyes, Joints, 3.20 Anti-Inflammatory, 3.21 Improved Cognitive Development, Better Communication and Social Skills, Fewer Behavioural Problems, and Decreased Risk of Developmental Delay.
Extended Exercise: 1. (a) Omega 3 Fatty Acids have been extensively studied for their ability to maintain heart health and protect against heart disease. (b) They can lower blood pressure, reduce levels of fats called triglycerides in the blood, and lower the risk of irregular heartbeats. 2.Students to participate in a prices check exercise at the supermarket. Marking of this assessment item is optional, if the elearner wishes to submit their work for review and feedback.

Module 4.1 How to Increase Fibre Intake. Answers to Quiz: 4.1 (a) Fibre is the indigestible part of plant foods, such as vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes. (b) It is mainly a carbohydrate and passes relatively unchanged through our stomach and intestines, 4.2 Fibre helps you feel fuller longer, which can aid in maintaining a healthy weight.
4.3 Digestive Health, Immune Health, Mental Health, Overall Health, Bowel Health, 4.4 Personal Preferences exercise about top 3 ways to improve fibre intake. M
Module 4.2 Foods High in Fibre. Answers to Quiz: 4.5 Banana Split, 4.6 A nut is a fruit consisting of hard or tough nutshell protecting a kernel which is usually edible. Nuts list may include: chestnuts, almonds, walnuts, pecan, hazelnut, brazil nut, peanut, cashew nuts, pistachio nuts, candlenut, macadamia nut. Seeds which come from flowering plants and suitable for human consumption may include: flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, grape seeds, hemp seeds, fennel seeds, safflower seeds, canola seeds, chia seeds, watermelon seeds. These lists are not exhaustive, 4.7 Legumes based meals may include: lentil curry, bean soup, salad with lentils, chickpea stew, roasted vegetables and chickpea, one-pot wonder with Chickpeas, Cassoulet with Chickpeas, braised meat with white beans, dahl (lentils), Mushroom lentil Bolognese, . This list is not exhaustive.
Extended Exercise: Students to Design a Full Course Menu and promote it on a poster. 
Module 4.3 Soluble vs. Insoluble Fibre. Answers to Quiz: 4.8 H2O, 4.9 Soluble fibre is known for helping to manage cholesterol levels and lowering the risk of heart disease, 4.10 Keeps bowels regular.

Answers to Quiz: 5.1 Weight Gain, Chronic Disease, Dental Caries, Energy Drain, Nutrient Loss, 5.2 Fruit, 5.3 Portion Limits
Module 5.1 Reducing Sugar Intake. Answers to Quiz: 5.4 Syrup, 5.5 Reading product labels can be a helpful first step to lowering your added sugar intake.
Extended Exercise: Students to Food Columnist reply to a concerned reader about reducing sugar in the diet. 
5.6 Honey, Maple Syrup, Stevia, Agave, 5.7 Make Healthier Desserts, 5.8 Do not use any Sugar Additives.
Module 5.2 Sugar Substitutes. Answers to Quiz: 5.9 Stevia, 5.10 Xylitol, Erythritol, 5.11 Bananas, Date Paste.

Answers to Quiz: 6.1 NaCl, 6.2 Nerve Transmission, Muscle Function, 6.3 Eat Fresh Food, Unprocessed Foods, Use Herbs & Spices.
Extended Exercise: Short-term effects of consuming too much salt include water retention, leading to swelling and increased blood pressure, as well as intense thirst due to the body’s efforts to balance the sodium-to-water ratio.
Module 6.1 Foods High in Sodium. Answers to Quiz: 6.4 Preservation, Flavour Enhancement, 6.5 Brine, 6.6 Maintain a Balanced Diet.
Module 6.2 Reducing Sodium Intake. Answers to Quiz: 6.7 Herbs, Spices, Garlic, Citrus Juices, 6.8 Grilling, Roasting or Sautéing, 6.9 Strain and Rinse, 6.10 Basil (Italy); Cilantro (Asia); Oregano (Greece), 6.11 Ginger (Asia); Paprika (Mexico); Cumin (Middle East), 6.12 Flavour & Warmth.

Answers to Quiz: 7.1 Superfoods are foods that are nutritionally dense, meaning they provide a substantial amount of nutrients and very few calories, 7.2 Dark Leafy Greens are an excellent source of nutrients and carotenoids; Berries are a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals, fibre and antioxidants; and Green Tea is rich in antioxidants and Polyphenolic compounds, 7.3 DGLVs (Dark Leafy Greens), EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate).
Extended Exercise: 1.Students to visit a supermarket to investigate composition and uses of frozen berries. 2.Students to visit an Asian grocery store to identify a range of Green Tea based food products. 
Module 7.1 Will Superfoods be Adequate for a Complete Diet? Answers to Quiz: 7.4 (a) While superfoods are nutrient-rich and beneficial to health, they alone cannot provide all the nutrition your body needs. (b) A balanced diet that includes a variety of foods from all food groups is essential for overall health.

Answers to Quiz: 8.1 Physical, Psychological, Cultural, 8.2 Malnutrition, Poor Digestion, Weight Gain, Chronic Disease, 8.3 Heart Disease, Stroke, Type 2 Diabetes.
Module 8.1 Examples of Unhealthy Food. Answers to Quiz: 8.4 Unhealthy foods are characteristically: (a) high in sugar; (b) high in salt; (c) high in fat; and (d) low in nutrients)
Extended Exercise: Personal Reflection exercise to identify 3 ways to reduce unhealthy foods from diet. 

Extended Exercise: 1. Students to Design a Meal Plan using the Food Pyramid as a guide. 2. Personal preferences exercise about the favorite foods from each of the sections of the food pyramid. Marking of this assessment item is optional, if the learner wishes to submit their work for review and feedback.

Answers to Quiz: 10.1 Protein, 10.2 Lean Meat, Poultry, Fish, Eggs, Legumes, Tofu, Nuts, Seeds, 10.3 Empty Calories is characteristic of: cakes, cookies, donuts, processed meats, energy drinks, sodas, chips and fries, 10.4 Baked and Fried Foods, 10.5 Liver Disease, Cancer, 10.6 Processed Meats, Refined Grains, Added Sugars and Salts, Red Meats, Trans Fats, Alcohol Consumption.
Module10.2 Healthy Foods to Eat. Answers to Quiz: 10.7 Fruit and Vegetables should form a significant part of the diet; Whole Grains helps to maintain healthy digestive system; Dairy is essential for bone health; and Seafood is essential for brain health, 10.8 Eggs, 10.9 Beans and Legumes, Lean Meats, Nuts and Seeds.

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