Tutorial 8.1: Examples of Unhealthy Food

Unhealthy foods are typically high in sugars, salts, or fats, and low in essential nutrients.

Here are some examples:
  1. Fast Foods: Such as hot chips, burgers, and pizzas.
  2. Sweets: Including chocolates and candies.
  3. Processed Meats: Like bacon.
  4. Snacks: Chips and other similar snack foods.
  5. Sugary Drinks: Sports drinks, energy drinks, and soft drinks.
  6. Alcoholic Drinks: These can also be considered unhealthy when consumed in excess.
  7. Cakes and Biscuits: These often contain high levels of sugar and unhealthy fats.
  8. Ice Cream: Many popular brands come loaded with more added sugar than the daily recommended limit.
Remember, while these foods can be enjoyed in moderation, a consistent diet of these can lead to health issues such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. It's always best to balance them with healthier food choices.


8.4 Connect the word Unhealthy Food to all the listed typical characteristics of low quality food.

                                                     High in Sugar

        Unhealthy                            Foods High in Salt

                                                     High in Fat

                                                     Low in Nutrients

8.5 Self Reflection Exercise. Given the list of 8 categories of unhealthy foods, what are 3 ideas to reduce unhealthy foods from your diet? Are these measures reasonable and practicably attainable?

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