Tutorial 8: What are the Adversities of an Unhealthy Diet?

An unhealthy diet can lead to several health issues, including:
  1. Malnutrition and Poor Digestion: Unhealthy diets can result in malnutrition and poor digestion.
  2. Inflammation and Obesity: It can cause inflammation and unwanted weight gain, leading to obesity.
  3. Chronic Diseases: Unhealthy diets increase the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. More than two-thirds of heart disease-related deaths worldwide can be linked to food choices.
  4. Mental Health Impact: An unhealthy diet can also impact your mental health.
  5. High Blood Pressure: Excessive sodium/salt intake can lead to high blood pressure (hypertension) and damaged arteries that strain your heart.
  6. Increased Risk of Disease and Disability: If you consume more energy than you use, the surplus is stored as body fat, leading to overweight and obesity, which in turn increases your risk of disease and disability.
  7. Poor Dietary Habits: These contribute to almost half of more than 700,000 deaths reviewed as part of a study published in 2017. The deaths were caused by heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.
Remember, a balanced diet is essential for good health. It's recommended to eat a wide variety of nutritious foods from different food groups every day.


8.1 Reverse these words to identify the categories of symptoms of an unhealthy diet.

        [ l a c i s y h p ] 
        [ l a c i g o l o h c y s p ]
        [ l a r u t l u c ]

8.2 Connect the words on the left column to the correct word on the right column to uncover the physical effects of unhealthy diet.

        Mal                      Disease

        Poor                     Gain

        Weight                 Nutrition

        Chronic               Digestion

8.3 Q&A. Solve these puzzles to identify the most common causes of death related to unhealthy diets?

        H _______________ D _______________

        S _______________

        T _______________ D _______________

Extended Exercise

Design a Poster. Use pens, crayons and craft supplies to create a poster exploring at least 3 psychological factors creating a cycle of unhealthy eating and poor mental health. Provide some guidance on how can a person break out of this cycle?

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