Tutorial 7.1: Will Superfoods be adequate for a complete diet?

While superfoods are nutrient-rich and beneficial to health, they alone cannot provide all the nutrition your body needs. A balanced diet that includes a variety of foods from all food groups is essential for overall health.

Superfoods can certainly enhance a healthy eating pattern, but they are not cure-all foods. Consuming one or two of these nutrient-dense foods on top of a poor diet won't protect against chronic diseases and health problems.

Moreover, some superfoods may contain nearly your entire recommended daily intake of a certain mineral or nutrient in a single serving, and it's best not to exceed those daily allowances.

In conclusion, superfoods are a great addition to a balanced diet, but they are not a substitute for one. It's important to consume a variety of foods to ensure you're getting a wide range of nutrients needed for good health.


7.4 Q&A. Complete these two sentences to explain the health precaution about Superfoods.
(a) While superfoods are nutrient-rich ...
(b) A balanced diet that includes ...

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