Tutorial 3.2 Reducing Fat in the Diet

Reducing fat in your diet involves making mindful choices about what you eat. Here are some strategies:

1. Eat More Good Fats: Instead of eating a low-fat diet, focus on eating beneficial “good” fats like polyunsaturated fats and limit harmful “bad” fats like trans fats.

2. Avoid Ultra Processed Products and Refined Sugars: These often contain unhealthy fats and high levels of sugar. 

3. Watch What You Drink: Beverages can also be a significant source of hidden fats and sugars.

4. Pump Up the Protein: Eating more protein-rich foods may help reduce your appetite and increase fat burning.

5. Find More Fiber: Soluble fiber may help you to lose weight by increasing fullness and reducing calorie absorption.

6. Supplement With Ferments and Vinegar: These can increase the body's metabolism and prevent fat storage.

7. Toss Out Fat-Producing Chemicals: Certain chemicals found in processed foods can contribute to fat production.

8. Add Strength Training: Strength training can help decrease your body fat levels and increase resting energy expenditure.

Remember, it's not just about reducing fat, but about replacing unhealthy fats with healthier ones and balancing your diet with other essential nutrients. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet.


3.7 Self Reflection Exercise. Out of the 8 ways to help reduce fat in the diet, what are your preferred top 4 ways to manage fat in your diet?

3.8 Q&A. Are all drinks created equal, why or why not?

3.9 Reverse these words [ g n i n i a r t  h t g n e r t s ] to find out how to decrease body fat levels and increase resting energy expenditure. 

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