Tutorial 9.1: Sample Menu

Creating a balanced meal using the Healthy Eating Pyramid involves incorporating a variety of foods from each layer of the pyramid. Here's a simple guide:

1. Foundation Layers (Plant-based food groups): These should make up the largest portion of your meal. Include a variety of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. 
    • Vegetables and Legumes: Add a mix of colorful vegetables to your plate.
    • Fruits: Include a serving of fresh fruits.
    • Grains: Opt for whole grains like brown rice or whole wheat bread.
2. Middle Layer: This includes dairy products and proteins. They should be consumed in moderation.  
    • Milk, Yoghurt, Cheese & Alternatives: Include a serving of low-fat dairy or alternatives.
    • Lean Meat, Poultry, Fish, Eggs, Nuts, Seeds, Legumes: Add a portion of lean protein to your meal.
3. Top Layer (Fats and Oils): These should be used sparingly. Opt for healthier fats like olive oil or avocado.

Remember, these are just guidelines and individual dietary needs may vary. It's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare provider or a nutritionist for personalized advice. Also, cooking your own meals at home and choosing minimally processed foods will help limit added salt and sugar.

Extended Exercise

1. Design a daily meal plan. Using the recommended food groups in the Food Pyramid, create a daily meal plan for yourself covering breakfast, a snack for lunch, and dinner with a light dessert. Make it something that you would enjoy to eat!

2. Self Reflection Exercise: What is your favorite food from the foundation layer? the Middle Layer? What is your favorite food from the Fats and Oils Category?

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